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Eternal Paradox – What to Expect at the Final Battle

July 30, 2024

Roughly three days remain before the final Conquest of the season. Are you prepared? Will your forces carry the day or be crushed by your opponents?

Conquest 101

Quick review for those who haven’t fought hard in a Conquest in the past:

Conquest is vastly different from the rest of the season. If you’ve only scratched the surface of these epic battles so far, it’s definitely worth it to dive in and fight for your guild. If you haven’t joined a guild, Conquest is one of many great reasons to do so. War is a team sport!

During the Conquest, guilds will compete for control of the 16 Ruins positioned around the map. Normally these can be explored by any player, but during Conquest they become positions that can be occupied. Guilds will plan which to attack and make large rallies to fight off the competition.

Guilds gain points for each second they occupy a Ruin, but they’ll also get a large chunk of bonus points every 30 minutes for the 90 minute duration of Conquest. After the first 30 minute period, the Ring of Ruin will open for conquest in the center of the map. This provides more points than each Ruin and is often a critical factor in determining the winner.

Points gained in Conquest are based on the rank of your guild, and each guild’s members will get a portion of those points equal to their contribution percentage, which is viewable on the “Share” screen in the guild menu. At the end of the season, 60% of all season rewards will be distributed to individual players according to their Conquest rank.

The Battle for Season 5

Now that we’re all caught up with each other, let’s break down where we’re at in season 5. SquareXII is firmly in the lead with their members occupying more than the top 30 spots on the leaderboard!

BTB isn’t going down without a fight though, and they’re not too far behind. EPx and GFX could still be players in the top ranks yet with some fireworks in this last Conquest.

Dome seriously dramatic action will need to happen to unseat XII from the Season 5 throne… but unexpected things happen in Conquest.

Conquest Tips

Let’s run down some quick tips and best practices for Conquest.

Even if this is the first time you’re going to join the fight, there’s more battles in the future. Season 6 is just around the corner. Give it all you’ve got this time to sharpen your tactics for bigger battles ahead!

All you seasoned veterans may find one or two things in here to improve your game… no captain knows everything!

Synergy, synergy, synergy…

War Synergy is everything in Conquest. Hunting Synergy does not count in PvP combat. 

This is very important. This means your 9m power fire troop will be much less powerful than your 7m light troop with 40% War Synergy. Light and Dark are crucial in Conquest, and don’t mix them in your troops when possible.

No T1s

During normal gameplay, a lot of captains will mix in a few T1s with their troops to absorb any losses they may take. The lowest tier soldier dies first.

Don’t do this in Conquest. It lowers your troop power by a lot, but also your War Synergy. There are no light and dark T1s. If you are very short on high tier soldiers, use T6 light and dark. Make a pile of them the day before Conquest and mix them into your saved troops.

Follow the Leader

If everybody in the guild is doing their own thing, you won’t get very far. Designate rally leaders, then designate backup rally leaders. Listen to your rally leaders – argue about strategy before and after Conquest. Make sure you’ve got at least a few groups working on different goals at the same time, but coordinate them towards one greater goal.

At a last Conquest like this, most players will have at least three if not all four operational slots unlocked. That means you could potentially have your whole guild involved in four battles at once. Some of those troops will get locked up in Ruins scoring points though… be careful to not put all your power into holding ruins and not be able to fight back against attackers!

Defend the Rally Points!

A rally disbands when the rally leader’s fortress warps. This means that if you’re holding the Ring of Ruin solidly with only minutes to go, an enemy can make your rally disband by attacking the rally leader’s fortress.

Save some arrows for when those attackers come. Try to hide your rally leaders if you can. Iif the enemy knows who they are, make sure you can defend them!

In season 1, SXII created a signature strategy to hide their rally leaders!

Don’t forget you can support an ally’s fortress with your own troops! It takes an operational slot to do so and you won’t score any points for your guild from it, but if it saves an entire rally from disbanding it could be an amazing help.

For Elysium!

The battle is almost here. Good luck captains!

Of course Alex and Emma will be back to recap all the action next week. Get out there and give them something to talk about!

Miss the last conquest? Check out the recap below!