We told you something big was around the corner for Town Star. We told you there was a new coin in town. We told you to gather your Town Star NFTs in preparation. Brace yourselves.
First, let’s explore some details of the plan. Then we’ll get into how you can participate, generating and accumulating the brand new TownCoin for yourself.
Official TownCoin Contract Address
Please beware of impersonators and copycats, trusting only the official contract address listed below.

Check out the TSP2E FAQ at This Page!
Place NFTs — Earn TownCoin
There you have Town Star P2E boiled down to its simplest form. Owned in-game items will soon be eligible for the added bonus of earning daily allocations of TownCoin.
How Much TownCoin can I Earn?
Placeable NFT items will earn TownCoin based on their on-chain rarity.
All node operators will receive daily distributions of TownCoin when their nodes have met the daily requirements.
Each player’s ability to place NFTs in-game that are P2E eligible will be limited by a new player attribute called Gala Power. On release, Gala Power is defined as the amount of GALA held in a user’s wallet, but in the future it will also include factors such as NFTs, account age, TownCoin holdings, and referrals in the Gala Power calculation.

Gala Power is a system of levels. Your current level will be proportional to how many of your placed NFTs will be eligible for daily play-to-earn TownCoin rewards.
Do I Have to Play?
Yes. Because this is a play-to-earn game and not a mining operation, you will absolutely and always be expected to play the game in order to earn your daily rewards. We will be introducing a series of Town Star Daily Challenges. They will start out simple (gather X amount of Star Points in a 24 hours period), but as time goes on, the daily challenges will evolve and shift. Some challenges may even be difficult to complete.
Completion of the daily challenge will be necessary to unlock your daily TownCoin rewards, always acting as gatekeeper to your earnings. Don’t play the game and you won’t gather the sweet rewards.

So When Does this Begin?
Early access for Town Star P2E will begin next Tuesday, October 5th. When the new weekly competition begins, all players will be able to view their Gala Power, accomplish daily challenges, and receive daily distributions of TownCoin for placing NFTs. Please note that the free server will also be wiped and reset at the time of the soft launch on Tuesday.
Consider this an early access launch. Bugs and hiccups are expected, but rest assured that we will be working hard on every issue as it arises and as always, we will keep you informed through Discord.
P2E Seasons
For the early access launch, every player will be able to experience Town Star P2E without any additional expense, but an important part of this plan is the eventual implementation of Season Passes, which will be added immediately after the Beta launch period.

The exact length of each Town Star Season is not yet decided, but purchasing the Season Pass at a small relative cost is a very necessary piece of this puzzle to avoid player opportunities for abuse and exploitation.
Just like all NFTs, a percentage of Season Passes will always be distributed to node operators, even before they are available for purchase.
We are incredibly excited to propel this game that we all love into the stratosphere of play-to-earn. As we continue to grow our incredible team daily, Gala Games is beyond grateful to our community, whose support makes all this growth and success possible. We will always empower and support you in any way we can, and we will raise the bar for the entire world of own-your-experience gaming.
Join the discussion in the Gala Games Discord community, and look for more news coming soon about Town Star Play-to-Earn!