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VOXverse Levels Up

June 11, 2022

Big things are coming for VOXverse, as Gala Games and Will Wright team up with another gaming giant

There’s some breaking news for Galaxians– BIG news. As we’ve discussed previously, Will Wright (of SimCity fame) and his own Gallium Studios are crafting the world of VOXverse to bring all the wonderful VOXness that we all know and love to life.

Today, the VOXverse just got a lot livelier as news came out that Gallium is picking up some extra collaboration and cooperation from one of the biggest names in gaming.

Kind of a Big Deal

Unity announced a deal with Gala Games today to support the development of VOXverse. Working with Unity is a big step towards bringing the Web3 entertainment revolution to the masses, and we couldn’t be more thrilled. This deal is unprecedented anywhere in the Web3 space, and VOX everywhere (as well as their respective owners) should feel honored.

As part of the agreement, a team of developers and real-time 3D platform experts from Unity will collaborate and work with Gallium to support work on VOXverse, and also provide support to the internal studio at Gala Games behind Mirandus. We are already honored to be working with legends like the team at Gallium, and this cooperation with Unity just makes a great thing even better!

This is a significant vote of confidence from the Unity team in Gala Games’ vision for VOXverse and the future of Web3 technology, so this is exciting news for everyone. Above all though, this is exciting news for VOX fanatics everywhere– you may now begin the VOX dance.

With The Walking Dead VOX, VOX Idle, and now this without even half the year gone– this truly is already turning out to be the year of the VOX!


As Wright discussed in an AMA not long ago, his vision is to create an interoperable, immersive metaverse like no other. Rather than VOX just being the coolest avatars around, Wright is passionate about creating a world in which owners really connect with their VOX through the stories they tell and the experiences they have.

Part of what make VOX so amazing is that every single one is unique. The VOXverse will play to that strength by not only letting you experience a whole digital universe through the eyes of your VOX, but also introducing dynamic changes over time as your VOX has wildly different experiences across a wide variety of games– all tied into a greater VOXverse! This means that VOX can grow even more uniquely yours as you navigate the VOXverse. VOX can build social influence, own land (in several dimensions), explore strange new places, earn, game, or even just hang out and be a VOX doing VOX stuff.

Areas of the VOXverse will be dedicated to the growing list of worlds that VOX calls friends. Each emerging VOX series will grow and expand on this, creating a world that never stops evolving. Your VOX will no longer just be a Mirandus VOX or a The Walking Dead VOX– all VOX will have their own part of the universe to call home.

Enter the VOXverse

VOX already had a pretty big year after the release of The Walking Dead VOX series, but you think we’re going to stop after that? We’ve got a lot coming up on the horizon yet!

VOX Odyssey is rapidly approaching. When we sat down with Will Wright for an AMA in March, he was very clear about considering VOX Idle (now Odyssey) the first chance for VOX owners to dip their toes inside the VOXverse itself.

VOX Odyssey will be a classic text-based adventure RPG only available to VOX owners. Throughout VOX Odyssey, you VOX can collect resources, craft items, and start to discover the fist secrets the VOXverse has to offer. For all the VOX out there, this is the chance for them to get a leg up on their new life in the VOXverse. This experience is slated to begin this summer, and we can hardly wait.

That’s not all that the VOX team has up their sleeves at this moment, but do you think we’re going to spoil all the fun here?

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Gala Games Platform