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Champions Arena | The Litepaper

August 15, 2023

Here are the detailed game economy plans for Champions Arena in preparation for the game’s launch on 8/23/23!


Champions Arena is a turn-based RPG that will allow players to own the playable Champions in the game, upgrade those characters to be better and stronger, and compete for in-game and other rewards. To accomplish this, an economy has been designed to define the creation, distribution, and utilization of off-chain and on-chain assets within Champions Arena.

The premier fungible token to be earned and used in Champions Arena will be the $GALA token. In order to earn $GALA tokens, players will need to optimize and strengthen their team and compete against others for Victory Points.


Participants in the Champions Arena economy can start by either utilizing the free database Champions, upgrading them through gameplay and Gems and minting them, or they can acquire Champion NFTs to own their in-game assets and unlock transferability of their progress. The economy will be defined by various sinks and faucets.

Faucet (Supply)

The sole method for the earning of $GALA in Champions Arena will be through the earning of Victory Points during competitive PvP play (Arena) that are converted to $GALA at the end of each day (3am UTC). Victory Points can only be earned when at least 1 NFT or NFT-Ready (NFTR) Champion is used on the player’s team in an Arena match. This is defined by the following:

Base VPs for Winning Arena Match

10 VP

Competitive Score Multiplier — subject to change as we achieve our rank percentile goals of: Bronze (0%-40%); Silver (40%-65%); Gold (65%-80%); Platinum (80%-90%); Diamond (90%-95%); Master (95%-98.5%); Champion (98.5%-100%)

Below 1400 (Bronze) — 0.05x
1400 (Silver) — 0.8x
1600 (Gold) — 2.5x
1800 (Platinum) — 4x
2000 (Diamond) — 15x
2200 (Master) — 24x
2400 (Champion) — 30x

NFT Multiplier Addition (per CHAMPION NFT used in match)

Common — 0.05
Uncommon — 0.1
Rare — 0.2
Epic — 0.35
Legendary — 0.7

New Champion Multiplier — Using a Champion released within the past month

+(.15)per new Champion. For example, 2 New Champions = 1+(.15*2)


Silver player wins a match with one Common NFT and two Rare NFTs:

  • VP Multiplier = (0.8 Silver Bracket Multiplier + 0.05 Common Multiplier + 0.2 Rare Multiplier + 0.2 Rare Multiplier) = 1.25
  • VPs Earned = 1.25*10 Base VPs = 12.5 VPs earned

Diamond player wins a match with three Uncommon NFTs and one Legendary NFT:

  • VP Multiplier = (15 Diamond Bracket Multiplier + 0.1 Uncommon multiplier + 0.1 Uncommon multiplier + 0.1 Uncommon multiplier + 0.7 Legendary multiplier) = 16
  • VPs Earned = 16*10 Base VPs = 160 VPs earned

Diamond player wins a match with three Uncommon star NFTs and one “New” Legendary NFT:

  • VP Multiplier = (15 Diamond Bracket Multiplier + 0.1 Uncommon multiplier + 0.1 Uncommon multiplier + 0.1 Uncommon multiplier + 0.7 Legendary multiplier) * 1+(0.15*1) New Champion Multiplier = 18.4
  • VPs Earned = 18.4*10 Base VPs = 184 VPs earned

Bronze player wins with 4 Legendary NFTs:

  • VP Multiplier = (0.05 Bronze Bracket Multiplier + 0.7 Legendary NFT Multiplier + 0.7 Legendary Multiplier + 0.7 Legendary Multiplier + 0.7 Legendary Multiplier) = 2.85
  • VPs earned = 2.85*10 Base VPs = 28.5 VPs Earned


$GALA distribution occurs once per day at 3am UTC by calculating the total number of Victory Points earned by the player base that day and exchanging the players’ Victory Points to $GALA at a rate defined by the level of game engagement for that day.

Sinks (Demand)

In-App purchase sinks will be done through the purchasing of Gems with either fiat or $GALA, while purchases made through the Gala platform will be done directly through fiat or $GALA. Players may be able to purchase

  • Champion NFTs
  • Summoner Skin NFTs
  • Aura NFTs
  • Estate NFTs
  • Nexus NFTs
  • Champion Summoning
  • Minting Scrolls
  • Convenience Purchases/Retention Rewards
  • Upgrading Nexus

Minting Scrolls

Users who purchase database champions through summoning and put in time and resources to level them up might find themselves in the position of having very strong champions with no means of retaining ownership and the ability to transfer or sell these assets.
For this reason, these users will be able to purchase Minting Scrolls at $50 or potentially earn them in the Arena so they can turn their database champions into NFT-Ready Champions to enjoy the in-game benefits of NFT ownership.

The number of Minting Scrolls required to mint a user’s database Champion will be reliant on the rarity of said Champion. This is expressed as the following:

  • Common — 2 Minting Scrolls required ($100 cost to mint)
  • Uncommon — 4 Minting Scrolls required ($200 cost to mint)
  • Rare— 6 Minting Scrolls required ($300 cost to mint)
  • Epic— 11 Minting Scrolls required ($550 cost to mint)
  • Legendary— 26 Minting Scrolls required ($1300 cost to mint)

Nexus NFTs

Nexus NFTs will be the rental vehicle in Champions Arena — that is, they will be the manner in which idle Champion NFT owners and dedicated players with no NFTs can connect and start to earn collaboratively.

Specifically, If a Champion NFT owner utilizes a Nexus by attaching a Champion NFT to that Nexus, another player would then be able to play with that Champion and potentially earn $GALA without owning the Champion NFT. Any Victory Point rewards derived from the usage of a Champion NFT attached to a Nexus would be split between the Nexus owner, Champion NFT owner, and player according to rates shown below.

Nexus Owner

  • Earns for providing the means (e.g., assets) through which NFT owners and non-NFT players can connect and collaborate to earn
  • Will be able to upgrade their Nexus for additional NFT slots and an increase in equity opportunities for themselves and the associated NFT owner(s) over the earnings derived from attached NFTs
  • Incentivized to upgrade their Nexus using Gems to increase their percentage share of earnings derived from each attached NFT, as well as overall earnings potential from the ability to attach more NFTs
  • Also incentivized to purchase Champion NFTs for vertical integration (attaching their own NFTs and earning the Nexus owner and NFT owner share)

NFT Owner

  • Earns for providing the means (e.g. assets) through which a player with no NFTs can utilize NFTs in-game and earn Victory Points
  • Incentivized to upgrade their Champions so that more people want to use them
  • Also incentivized to purchase Nexus NFTs for vertical integration (attaching their NFTs to their own Nexus and earning the Nexus owner and NFT owner share)


  • Earns for providing the actions necessary to utilize assets provided toward productive ends (Victory Point generation)
  • Incentivized to purchase Champion NFTs to earn a larger share of the fruits of their actions


Champions Arena presents a dynamic and engaging economy that seamlessly integrates with various forms of in-game and off-chain assets. By crafting a system that rewards players at various levels of participation, from casual gameplay to ownership of NFTs, Champions Arena fosters a community where collaboration and competition coalesce. The fusion of Victory Points, NFTs, Nexus, and minting creates a multifaceted experience where players can earn and grow their assets within the game.

Whether a player, owner, or both, the Champions Arena economy offers a thrilling RPG experience, fostering engagement in the evolving landscape of blockchain gaming.

NOTE: All information in this Litepaper is subject to change for any reason and a log of any changes will be kept here. A downloadable PDF version will also soon become available.

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