Players are in the arena right now, and we’re ready to unveil two special sales as we head towards launch day!

The arena has been opened. Have you been brave enough to join the Champions inside?
This community playtest is a major milestone in the development of Champions Arena, but we’re not done just yet. Today we’re announcing our first two sales. These will both enable players to access unique mechanics within Champions Arena at launch, but there are still some playtest benefits as well!
The Nexus Bundle
The Nexus is an important part of any aspiring player’s toolset. A Nexus allows players to attach NFT Champions to it. Those Champions can then be accessed by other players to use in their battles.
Victory Points awarded to Champions used through the Nexus will be split between the player using them, the owner of the Champion and the owner of the Nexus.
The Nexus is a powerful force — it seems to draw power to you as you possess it. Purchasers of this Nexus Bundle will also receive the special Champion, Veronika. This Champion is only available to Nexus purchasers during this initial sale. In future sales, all Nexus holders will get a new bonus NFT each time Nexus Bundles are sold. This will be based on a new snapshot each time a Nexus Bundle is released.
Nexus purchasers will also get the special perk of being able to test drive Estate ownership and play with special Legendary Champions during our current playtest. Shortly after purchase, we’ll unlock the ability to act as an Estate owner for all Nexus Bundle buyers, then they can experience leading a team of other players and producing Gems through their Estate! Also we will grant 2 special Legendary Champion boxes so you can test out new ways to play.
Important note: These test Estates and Champions are just for the duration of the playtest. In future playtests or when the game goes live, Nexus ownership will be entirely separate from Estate ownership.
Nexus Sale Details
The sale for Nexus Bundles will begin on Monday, May 8th at 6pm PT. During this sale, there will only be 300 total Nexus Bundles available. This means that there are only 300 copies of the Champion, Veronika up for grabs during this sale!
Nexus Bundles will be priced at $1950, purchasable using $GALA, ETH or credit card. There will be no increasing price tiers for this sale, though future versions of the Nexus Bundle may be priced higher.
Claim Your Estate
Following the sale of our initial Nexus Bundles, the first Estates will be available. This will give owners a chance to stake their claim in the world of Champions Arena early. An Estate allows you to recruit other players to your cause. These allies will fight alongside you, but also help you develop your land.
Members of Estates enjoy access to important tools, such as The Altar of Summoning and access to a shared pool of rewards based on their team’s success. Players usually must pay a fee to access the Estate’s functions, adding additional gems to the treasury of the Estate owner. Owners can always set more favorable rates for members, however.
Since only the Nexus Bundle purchasers get a chance to act as the first Estate owners during our current playtest, it only seems fitting to give them the opportunity to continue that honor. Only the Nexus Bundle purchasers will be whitelisted for Estate purchases when that sale begins. You must be holding Nexus in your wallet to eligible for the Estate purchase.
Estate Sale Details
The Estate sale begins Monday, May 8th at 6pm PT. Estates are Ancient rarity NFTs, and there will only be 300 available for this specific sale. Nexus purchasers are the only ones who will get the chance to buy an Estate at this price.
Each Estate will be priced at $2000, purchasable using $GALA, ETH or credit card. There will be no increasing price tiers for this sale, though future sales for Estates may be priced higher.
With players already inside the playtest and loving their experiences, we are thrilled to be able to present these first sales for Champions Arena to the community.
The playtest only continues through May 17th, so get in there and leave your mark on the arena! Look for more information coming up as we head towards launch… the wait won’t be too long!