Gala Games recently visited the Champions Arena team for an up close look at the development of the upcoming turn-based RPG.

We haven’t shared much news regarding Champions Arena since its initial announcement at Galaverse last June, but that doesn’t mean that the team hasn’t been working hard on development..
Ready Your Champion
Champions Arena is a turn-based RPG where you’ll play as any of over 100 Champions, each with their own style, skills and strengths. As you progress, your Champion can adorn a wide array of gear and auras to further customize how they battle, and each can be upgraded into several more powerful versions of themselves.
Gameplay is based around tactical, turn-based battles, but Champions Arena also features both individual and guild PvP. Any of your Champions can be dispatched for exploration and adventure to find vital resources, or they can stay close by your side to be used in PvE campaigns, PvP or Co-Op mode.
As your Champions win glory on the battlefield, they’ll gather new spell and skill cards to help them in battle. Weaker abilities can be combined to make more powerful versions, but no matter how powerful their spells, players will have to manage their Energy properly to win the day. Players will have to carefully cultivate the best decks to send their Champions into battle with if they want to be the best, and timing will be critical in rising above the crowd.
Visiting the Arena
Development on this upcoming turn-based RPG has been progressing rapidly since the summer, and our own Jason “Bitbender” Brink recently visited the team for an early sneak peek and an AMA alongside a small group of community members.
Champions Arena is being crafted by the team at Uniflow, a subsidiary of OneUniverse. During this meetup, the Uniflow team walked Jason and the other attendees through the development environment and had an AMA on the state of current development and future plans.
In an industry where we so often connect only through a screen, it was great for Jason to get a chance to spend some quality face-to-face time with the team.
While we haven’t caught up with Jason on the juiciest parts of what was discussed just yet, we have a feeling you’ll have a chance to hear details very soon…
Upcoming AMA
Speaking of additional details, this Friday, October 28th, Gala Games will stream an Ask Me Anything (AMA) with the devs from Uniflow to get answers straight from the source! This will be a prerecorded AMA based on the questions the community submitted on Discord.
This will be a Korean language AMA so that the devs can communicate completely in their native language, but will have English subtitles available as well. Look for the video on the Gala Games YouTube channel on Friday.
See You in the Arena
Even if you don’t catch the upcoming AMA, keep an ear open for a lot more news coming out about Champions Arena in the months ahead.
Did you notice we’re on a new Champions Arena account here on Medium? We’ll keep publishing our latest content to the Gala Games blog, but if you want to be notified each time we post, make sure and subscribe!