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TSP2E — Weekend Update

September 29, 2021

How about it, town stars? Are you enjoying Town Star Play-to-Earn as much as we are? The weeks leading up to this soft launch have been a wild ride for the Gala Games team, working hard, making ambitious goals, then knocking them down one by one. Now that the first version is live in early access, we like what we’re seeing.

Town Star Play-to-Earn FAQ
Town Star Play-to-Earn Overview
Get in the Game!

We released the first TownCoin exclusive item in the Town Star store (Solar Panels) on Monday as a teaser, but after the first day of play-to-earn rewards, they started selling like hot cakes. These passive energy producing units give you not only a huge boost to the productivity of your towns, but even more daily potential TownCoin rewards!

Place them next to your industrial buildings for various amounts of passive energy that will increase your production efficiency. Make gasoline more quickly, spin yarn faster, even speed up your lumber crafting. Best of all, you can pick them up and place them elsewhere as quickly as a couple clicks.

The Daily Challenge

Players have been loving the new Daily Challenge feature, which when completed, unlocks your daily TownCoin earnings if you have NFTs placed in your town. Even those with no NFTs in the game are enjoying the new challenge of trying to accumulate 1000 Stars as quickly as they can, but beware! It won’t always be 1000 Stars.

In the not so distant future, this Daily Challenge will be expanded to bring you a new challenge every day, sharing fun story pieces from the lives of your favorite Town Star characters. For now, just sit tight and enjoy “Ornery Poultry” until we get the ball rolling on the next wave of exclusive Daily Challenges, which will really start to shake things up!

The Season Pass

An important thing to keep in mind about TSP2E is that it won’t always be free to participate! Season 1 (early access) is free, but play-to-earn admission to later seasons will require a Season Pass. Final details on the Season Pass are still TBA and we will keep you posted as everything gets finalized. For now, enjoy those free play-to-earn TownCoin rewards and tell all your friends to get in this game!

Season Pass details subject to change

Early Access = Changes are Possible

Please remember that this is early access. Our incredible community would be disappointed with us if we did not do everything in our power to create the best play-to-earn economy we can. This is why we truly appreciate your patience and understanding every time there is a bug or change in the system.

This is uncharted territory. Numbers will sometimes need tweaked, exact rewards will change regularly based on blockchain rarity, and from time to time the Gala Games team may decide to move in a different direction or alter plans for the good of the ecosystem. Do not jump to conclusions, do not blame us for acts of FOMO, and do not take community leaks and announcements as eternal law.

We will always do our best to repeatedly inform you of all changes through Discord and social media announcements. We will also preface all announcements with phrases such as “these details are subject to change” in hopes that our transparency of process is not mistaken for ironclad promises.

Has your VOX made an appearance in Town Star yet?

Thanks as always to our incredibly supportive community for making this play-to-earn early access launch a success. We can hardly wait to bring you the next wave of exciting Town Star updates starting at the beginning of next week, including new TownCoin exclusive units, more content, new Daily Challenges and more!

Join the Discord, watch the blog, and get your NFTs in the Town Star store!

“It’s udderly astounding!” — Headmaster Cow
“Earning around the cluck!” — Professor Chicken

-Your TCU Faculty Advisors