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Galaxian Highlights #18 | The Cannon Crew

March 18, 2023

We’re back again to give you some insight into a dedicated professional that many of you didn’t even know you knew!

All throughout the reaches of the Galaverse, talented experts are hard at work to bring you the best entertainment experiences around. The world of Web3 is constantly abuzz with change, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t professionals out there consistently devoted… working towards better gaming experiences with laser focused precision.

Today, we focus on one of those exceptional individuals. While others may be ideating and experimenting, he faithfully walks the beat every day. His unerring devotion to the Spider Tanks community serves as a bridge between the powers of production and Pilot. He ensures that the community is heard and that anyone he touches has a great day in the arena. Feedback isn’t always easy to hear, but he’s always there with an empathetic ear and the drive to propel change for the better.

We are, of course, referring to the irreplaceable Jeremy! Most of you have seen him around Discord as the captain of positivity and constructive communication in all things Spider Tanks. Today is all about the unparalleled professional many of you know as… Hendricksonn!

What is your role at Gala Games?

I’m the Community Manager for Spider Tanks. We have a really awesome and dedicated community of which I’m glad to be a part. I see it as my task to further empower our players and make sure their voices are heard. I want to provide a positive, welcoming place that everyone is able to participate in. On the battlefield however… It’s kill or get killed!

Don’t even get me started about fake Hendricksonns…

What’s your favorite part of the community?

The camaraderie and passion within the community is something I truly appreciate. It’s the shared love for competitive gaming that brings us together in the arena, where we can battle it out while also enjoying good conversation and forming bonds. The community inspires me to strive for excellence and give my best effort for their benefit.

Turtle or Tortoise?

What about a Cannon on a Bandit?

What are your favorite games?

I of course like playing Spider Tanks, but I also like playing MMORPGs and I have recently been playing Hogwarts Legacy quite a bit!

I KNEW I recognized that robe from somewhere!
Oh no! The Sorting Hat is way too far into Jeremy’s business!

Cool hobbies and interests?

Aside from playing video games, I enjoy going to the cinema and following a variety of tv shows. I’m also studying Japanese in my spare time as I love the language and have quite some friends over there.

Proudest gaming moment ever?

Probably back in the day when my WoW guild was one of the first to defeat the Lich King on EU. Also got in the semi-finals of the Spider Tanks Mayhem West tournament last year with a great team!

Always deity in our book!

Favorite Food?

That would be a Dutch classic… Boerenkool met worst en spek! Stroopwafels are also pretty nice, you should try them.

Translates to kale with sausage and bacon. I’m sold. This is now my favorite also.

What is your favorite Spider Tanks Prop?

There can be only one… the Sneltoets!! Holders of the Sneltoets will know what I’m talking about. It’s one of the signs of being a devoted Spider Tanks player!

Clicky clicky

We hope this gave everyone a chance to get to know Jeremy a little better… Give him a big thank you in Discord for playing today!

There are so many more awesome people to spotlight and so little time! We’ll be back in a couple weeks with another highlight for you!

Just can’t wait to learn more about the Gala Games team!? Feel free to check out some of our most recent Galaxian Highlights below!

Galaxian Highlights #17 — Mark

Galaxian Highlights #16 — Thijs

Galaxian Highlights #15 — Michael

Galaxian Highlights #14 — Taylor

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