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Galaxian Highlights — Municipal Corps of Engineers

November 12, 2022

We’re back with another spotlight on a Web3 pro working behind the scenes to make magic happen.

The digital frontier at the bleeding edge of the new technological revolution is full of big dreams, but it takes the spark of brilliance to make those manifest in decentralized reality. A spark isn’t enough though, and so many dedicated professionals work underneath the fabric of this new world to bring visions of a better future into pragmatic reality.

The engineers developing solutions and innovations every day are practitioners of an art unfathomable to our forebears. Their craft may seem modest in a narrow frame of reference, but the wider effect of their efforts come together to create tools, experiences and solutions that define our daily life and the very nature of tomorrow.

Today we celebrate one of these magicians of modern technology– a man passionate about collaborating to craft amazing games, and packing the technical tools to make better gaming experiences possible. Today we’re spotlighting a talented engineer working hard every day to push the world of Web3 entertainment forward– Kevin!

What is your role at Gala Games?

Full-stack Engineer for Town Star

What inspired you to do what you do for a living?

My love for playing video games

Favorite book?

Something about JavaScript

Favorite part of the Gala Games community?

The wide selection of games and excitement around all of them. Also, really love what we’re doing with Music / Film (Web 3 baybeee 😎)

Turtle or Tortoise?


What are your favorite games?

Anything with Zelda in the name. RuneScape, World of Warcraft, Dark Souls 3, Town Star, Mirandus.

If you were on a deserted island and could only have 1 game, what would it be?


Fun fact: If you look closely in any screenshot of Runescape, you’ll find Kevin somewhere.

Favorite music?


Biggest role models?

Eric Scheirmeyer, Raheel Yawar, Jason Dunn

Cool hobbies and interests?

I can dance pretty good lol

He’s not lying about those skills on the dance floor. Dab well earned.

Proudest gaming moment ever?

Beating Dark Souls 3

I don’t have a clever caption for this. The hood just fit too well to pass up.

Favorite Food?

Chicken Nuggets

Least favorite food?


Ninja or Pirate?


Which EoE Faction would you be aligned with?

The Arbeiters

Skydiving or spa day?

Both, in that order.

Which Town Star character could you replace, if only given the opportunity?

Honestly, none. I really like them all.

Kevin is over modest. He’d be a superior version of any worker around Town.

Which Exemplar best embodies you?

Darksun Elf (because I rarely see the sun anymore)

Can’t imagine why none of those rays are getting to you…😉
Always good advice

A big thanks to Kevin for giving everyone in the community a chance to get to know him better, and for reminding us to dust off our own cloaks and go for a stroll!

It’s great to have a chance in this series to get to show off some of the talented professionals that make Gala Games the great community that it is, and we hope you’re ready for a lot more! We’ll be back soon with yet another Galaxian Highlight to feature another dedicated Web3 professional working hard to make decentralized dreams come true.

Want to learn about more members of the Gala Games team and just can’t wait for the next issue? Check out the last few Galaxian Highlights below!

Galaxian Highlights #12 — Dan

Galaxian Highlights #11 — Wasif

Galaxian Highlights #10 — Abigail and Jonathan

Galaxian Highlights #9 — Warren

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