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TOWN Security Contract Audit Report

August 26, 2022

Here is the report from Anchain’s security audit of TOWN, the official reward token of Town Star.

In the world of Web3 entertainment, innovations are possible thanks to two separate, yet equally important groups: The crypto enthusiasts who think outside the box, and the communities who spread the word. These are their stories.

As a gaming platform, Gala Games is in the business of bringing you the highest quality and most empowering Web3 gaming experiences around.

As a creator of Web3 reward-based ecosystems, we also understand the importance of security when it comes to the creation and deployment of smart contracts through which massive amounts of real money will flow.

In THIS RECENT ARTICLE we shared Anchain’s newly published audit report for Materium, the official token of Mirandus that was recently listed on several crypto exchanges. Now, we’d like to share the audit report for TownCoin (TOWN), the official reward token of Town Star, which was completed in January of this year.


Why are third party smart contract security audits so important?

Blockchain transactions create opportunities to move large quantities of assets very quickly. As implied by the name “smart contracts,” we must rely on these contracts to be so smart that they are unexploitable. There are some really smart people out there, many of whom do not share your ethical code, and some who always look for security flaws from which they can benefit.

We cannot fault people for their innate drive to find ways in and to look for loopholes. What we can do is acknowledge this aspect of human nature, then make sure our systems and smart contracts are as secure as they can possibly be. By carefully scrutinizing our smart contracts with the help of an industry leading expert like Anchain, we can reduce not only a hacker’s ability to exploit them, but the likelihood that they’ll even try.


Anchain is an AI-powered cybersecurity company enhancing blockchain security, risk, and compliance strategies. They specialize in thorough reviews and audits of smart contracts, blockchains and cryptocurrencies, serving hundreds of clients worldwide, and securing over $100 Billion in daily transaction volume. Basically, when Anchain puts their stamp of approval on a contract, the industry sees it as an undisputed sign of security and legitimacy.

Said Dr. Victor Fang, CEO & Co-founder of AnChain.AI, of the auditing process, “Since 2018, the AnChain.AI has been relied upon by both traditional financial institutions, leading DeFi projects, and even government regulators to certify the security of some of the world’s highest-traffic smart contracts. Gala Games’ proactive approach to securing their smart contracts and commitment to protecting their users has been evident since our first conversation. Our auditing team’s efforts are made all the more effective by the Gala Games team’s meticulous approach to resolving even the most minor vulnerabilities discovered in the auditing process.”

Enjoying Your Cake?

We hope you have been enjoying our recent initiative to share more written content in the form of day-to-day news and updates. We love our community, and it’s important to us that you know the Cake Squad is always here to shoot straight and put you first, right where you belong.

We encourage all of you to get more involved in the Gala Games Ecosystem, where there is something for everyone. There are friends to be made, futures to be planned and rewards to be earned. There are even trees to be planted. By teaming up with OneTreePlanted and mobilizing our incredible Earth-conscious community, how many trees do you think we can plant by the end of the year? Seriously. How many? Answer in the comments below.

Check out THIS RECENT ARTICLE all about our ongoing partnership with OneTreePlanted. You can browse images of planting projects you have already supported, then learn how your feedback can help decide which shovel-ready projects we support next!

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