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Gala Games Puts up Millions in May

April 27, 2022

It’s time for the most rewarding month in the history of Gala Games… May Mayhem is back!

Considering how we’re always searching for ways to express our gratitude to the amazing Gala Games community, we decided to turn May into a time of celebration… A celebration of rewards for all of you. Now let’s get into the cryptic details that will leave you wanting more.

$4 Million in Prizes

Last year it was $1 million. This year it’s 4. Town Star players alone will have the opportunity to take home a portion of $2 million in GALA rewards. The other $2 million will be distributed to participants of several other games and initiatives throughout the month of May. That’s all you get for now, so you better brush up on your Town Star and get ready for May!

Play Town Star in May for a chance to win!

Free NFTs

Got your attention with that one, didn’t we? We’re not talking about mere collectibles either, we’re talking about a bunch of Gala Games NFTs with Gala gaming utility in (you guessed it) Gala Games.

Tons of these NFTs will be distributed throughout the month of May at various times to Gala Games wallets who held certain specific Gala Games NFTs at the time of an upcoming snapshot.

SNAPSHOT — Friday, April 29th — 11:59pm PT

Free NFTs will be distributed throughout the month based on NFT collections at the time of the snapshot. To be eligible for free NFTs, certain NFTs must be held in either the Treasure Chest or Ethereum Inventory of a Gala Games account wallet.

Let’s say there’s a certain piece of NFT land that entitles owners (at the snapshot) to a special and exclusive new free NFT for May Mayhem, and let’s say you purchased that piece of land 5 minutes after the snapshot. Sorry! You needed it to be there during the snapshot to be eligible.

We’re not going to say for sure which projects and titles will distribute NFTs. Owners will have to wait and see for themselves, and it will be BIG. Now’s your chance to browse the secondary markets if you’ve been on the fence about that weapon, that building or that deed. You have until Friday night for your collection to count toward May Mayhem’s free NFTs.

Look for more information coming soon about May and all its Mayhem!

Gala Games platform

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