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Node Governance Vote Going Live for Referral Rewards (part 2/4)

November 16, 2021

After running over the weekend, it is very clear what the wishes of the node community are in regards to points for operating nodes for more than 6 hours! We are very pleased to announce that the community has, by a significant margin, chosen to support rewarding one additional point for each six hours a node is online. As of writing, 8059 votes (64.3% of the votes cast) were recorded in favor of a single additional point for was six hours which a node supports the ecosystem. This will incentivize people to keep their nodes online over the long term to maximize rewards and create a more sustainable ecosystem. This change will take effect in the next major node build following the New Year.

Starting today, a new node governance vote will commence and run for approximately 24 hours

Question: How much of a one-time referral bonus do you believe is fair for referring a node purchaser to the Gala Node Ecosystem?

  • 0 points — You get nothing extra for referring a new node operator
  • 5 points — You get something, but less than the current structure
  • 10 points — You receive a bonus in points which is similar to the current structure
  • 15 points — You believe that one-time referrals are essential to growing the ecosystem

This is a very important question for the “one time referral bonus” structure.

Tomorrow, another vote will take place:

Question: How much of an ongoing referral bonus do you believe is fair for referring a node purchaser to the Gala Node Ecosystem?

…followed by the final vote on Wednesday on the following questions:

Question: If the node operators elect to continue the long-term ongoing referral bonuses, how many levels deep should this bonus extend?

So, get your nodes online and be ready to participate in the voting!