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RingWatch: EPX Season 3 Halfway Mark!

April 10, 2024

We’re halfway through the third season of Eternal Paradox, and the fate of Elysium hangs in the balance. Captains are valiantly fighting off The Doombringer and gathering their forces, but most eyes are fixed squarely on this Saturday’s Conquest event!

Will you be ready for the battle?

Alex: Oh, I assure you that I was born ready! 

Torsten: Oh no… not here again!

Alex: What’s the matter friend? I personally cherish our little chats. Really clears the palate after destroying all your armies! BWUAHAHAHAHHA!

Torsten: Why you little… I’ll show you what destroy means. Wait – what’s hissing under my chair…


Alex: MWUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Always a pleasure Torsten!

The Coming Conquest

The second Conquest event is right around the corner. With the Spring Event serving up big rewards and discounted specials in the shop, everyone is posturing their armies to take on the competition at the end of the week.

[XII]SQUAREXII won the first round, but [DUB]Deadly is hot on their trail. [EPx]Eternals likewise glided into a third place finish, but [GFX]GFGROUPX is keeping the pressure on them close behind in fourth.

S12 is firmly in control after the first Conquest. Can they hold it?

As Captains are starting to farm up the best prisoners and just getting into T9 and T10 soldiers, Conquest 2 is when everything really starts to heat up. Make sure you’re ready for it – this Saturday, April 13th at 5pm-6:30pm UTC (That’s 10am-11:30am PT)

The Season of Wang

Each season in Eternal Paradox, a new Mercenary rises to battle for the destiny of Elysium.

Beware the judgment of Wang… his most powerful attack also revives a fallen ally if it strikes down an opponent.

The arrival of Wang this season had a major effect on strategies, both in the arena and the field. The addition of another Light Mercenary alone created new ways to create an endgame War Synergy team, but Wang also features the Command Skill, Strategy Guide. This allows Light soldiers extra crit chance… up to 5% at max level!

Light soldier CRIT is a massive boost during conquest, when Dark and Light troops are the premier fighting force of a clever Captain

With the role of Captain Gear so important in how quickly you can progress and grow, Wang’s Internal Affairs Skill is also now sought after by all Captains. Eloquent Speaker will reduce the cost of enhancing Captain Gear up to 10% at max level.

Wang isn’t just here for field support though. A first glance at his Battle Skills may make you think that Wang plays a more passive role in campaign and arena combat… that would be a recklessly incorrect assumption though. Don’t underestimate the pure power Wang can deliver.

Worn out for Conquest? Use Wang’s Reflux skill to get your energy back up for the battle!

Battle Looms

Alex: Even if Torsten couldn’t quite handle the heat, I’m very excited for this next Conquest. You may even say it’ll be… explosive. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Well said Alex. Join us on April 13th at 10am PT for all the conquest mayhem, and we’ll see you after to recap all of the glorious battle!