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Gala Film: Going Deeper into the Stories you Love

February 12, 2024
Gala Film is empowering users through web3 tech to watch, unlock, host, and own.

We’re making the empowerment of web3 simpler than ever before, but sometimes it’s best to break down the core concepts–This way we can help you really understand what this groundbreaking tech can do for you. The revolutionary ideas of Gala Film are going to reshape the future of the industry, breathing new life into cinema by making it more enjoyable and more rewarding.

The four core concepts below are the simplest way of expressing how we plan to change the world of entertainment with Gala Film. Check it out.

Learn more about Gala Film in the Litepaper


Delivering free, high-quality, and enjoyable content in the 21st century is a barrier to some services, but not Gala Film. Everyone will have the ability to enjoy exclusive Gala Film content for free.


By giving you a chance to unlock more content, you can look deeper into your favorite stories. We love gamification, and GalaChain allows us to turn life into a playful adventure. Start opening mystery boxes and assembling the Shards you’ll find within to unlock Director Cuts and dive deeper into the stories you love.

What do we mean by looking deeper? Wouldn’t it be awesome to have an exclusive look into what made that villain so evil, or what happened to the ex after the breakup? Maybe you’re hungry for a segue into the next episode or upcoming sequel. Unlocking exclusive content empowers the viewer to take the best seat in the house, experiencing stories from a metaverse perspective. Only on Gala Film can exclusive content unlock more of the story. 


The primary way for Gala Film users to own items and generate rewards is through Moments, individual units of scenes extracted from a film or series. Each Moment rewards owners every time that film is watched, and Moments come in a variety of rarities. In the same way that shards combine to form Director Cuts, Moments combine to form Scenes.

A Scene is a completed collection of Moments, and when full Scenes are created your daily rewards will increase. More information about rewards can be found in the Litepaper linked above. Moments are purchased in Moment Packs through the Gala Film store, or found within Premium Mystery Boxes.


Screen Nodes are the foundation of Gala Film and what makes us unique and innovative – hosting every film, episode, director cut, trailer & more. Anyone can purchase a license to operate a Screen Node. By running your licensed Screen Node, you can power the ecosystem and receive daily $FILM rewards for your contribution!

Something for Everyone

Everyone watches video content, and everyone loves getting more out of the content they enjoy most. Watch your favorite content for free, earn rewards for supporting the ecosystem, and unlock exclusive content that allows you to get deeper into the stories you love.

Web3 is changing everything, and not only for viewers, listeners and gamers. The Gala Film model will encourage film artists of all types to level up into the web3 world. Imagine professionals like cinematographers, directors, actors, costume designers, writers and more, all realizing the potential of web3 for their artistic careers.

By introducing regular users to Gala in this simple way, we can illustrate its benefit when it comes to things they’re already doing, like watching movies, listening to music and playing games. Once they understand its power, every user can decide to empower themselves through ownership and enhance their rewards whenever they are ready!

We’re about to open up the film industry on a web3 scale. Thanks for being part of the journey–Get ready to watch, unlock, own and host the best video content you’ve never seen before.

Gala Film