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Gala Music’s Latest Updates

December 16, 2022

New updates allow you to stream any song by any artist, curate collections, and more.

Today, we’re introducing a few updates to Gala Music. This milestone is another exciting step towards Gala Music’s full platform release in 2023. The platform comes with an enhanced user interface and brand-new features.

With today’s update, the Gala Music community will be able to:

  • Buy drops with a credit card
  • Listen to songs from their favorite artists
  • Curate their collections
  • Watch music videos

More details regarding the updates are below.

Shop drops seamlessly with a credit card

The update allows users to purchase tracks with their credit card. This not only creates ease at checkout but also opens Gala Music’s benefits to wider audiences.

When a user chooses to ‘Place Order’ with a credit card, their track will be held in their treasure chest for 14 days, after which, the user will be able to transfer their track to their wallet.

Listen to the best artists on the blockchain

You’ll now be able to listen to any song from any artist on Gala Music. Our new streaming capability no longer requires you to own a track to listen to the song. This will allow the entire Gala community to listen to and purchase available tracks of the songs they love. Listens from each song will be tracked. The popularity of plays will matter once the full platform launch is live.

Speaking of the tracks you love, we have a new feature for that…

Heart tracks and curate collections

You can now like the tracks you love and curate these into a playlist of all the songs you’ve hearted. You’ll also be able to curate collections of tracks you’ve purchased too.

Watch artist music videos

Elevate your experience with music videos. While using the streaming feature, you’ll be able to watch music videos for select tracks that have a video associated with it. Check it out to see your favorite artists in their element.

As we look beyond 2022 into 2023, this is just the beginning. There are so many exciting updates to come and we can’t wait to unleash our new platform to audiences worldwide in 2023.