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Eternal Paradox Land Deed Sale

June 6, 2022

The first Lands of Eternal Paradox will soon be claimed. Grab your own unique Lands in Elysium today!

As the Ring of Ruin begins to spin again, let’s learn about the Lands that make up the world around it. Here you will gain resources and establish the power that you need to prepare for the battle ahead.

NFT Land is a major part of Eternal Paradox, and today we are pleased to announce the sale of our first Land Deeds!

Land in Eternal Paradox

Land Deed NFTs will be available in 6 rarities: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary and Ancient. Owning higher rarities of Land makes your Land much more desirable for others to come build their castles on, which in turn potentially means more tenants filling your coffers with Silver. Higher rarity Lands are larger, and can be found much closer to the void area. This can imbue castles built on them with magical energies escaping from each void, providing a powerful buff.

Check out our recent article to learn more about Land in Eternal Paradox.

To be very general, owning the Land will give you two distinct advantages:

  • You can potentially earn Silver daily for other players’ activities performed on your land.
  • You can choose which buffs to grant to friendly players on your land.

The strategies you employ with your Land and Heroes will have a serious impact on how much Silver you can earn. And how much Silver you have will influence how many game tokens you can potentially collect daily.

Sale Details

Today our first Land sale will begin with an introductory price for Galaverse attendees, starting at 1:45pm Malta time (4:45am PT). Every 24 hours, it’ll become available to a wider community at different price tiers. Keep your eyes on Discord or check out Eternal Paradox in the Gala Games Store for the latest pricing as we progress through the sale.

On the third day of the sale, you can exchange your Land Deed to reveal the location of your unique Plot, represented as an ERC-721 NFT. Look for more information coming about the exchange process coming soon.

Land Deed sales will begin at 1:45pm on June 6th (4:45am PT) and the whitelist will expand every 24 hours to a wider community, though all previously whitelisted groups will still have access:

  • June 6th Galaverse attendees
  • June 7th Founder’s Node license holders
  • June 8th Gala Gold Members
  • June 9th Public sale begins

Starting on June 8th, purchasers of Land Deeds will be able to exchange their Deeds for their Plot from within their Gala Games Inventory.

Eternal Paradox Demo

In addition to our first Land Sale, we are thrilled to announce the first public demo of Eternal Paradox! This isn’t just a demo for Galaverse attendees, but will be convenient for anyone traveling as this particular build is for mobile devices!

Head to Eternal Paradox’s site anytime after the demo’s launch on June 7th to try out Eternal Paradox yourself!

Check out the Eternal Paradox page in the Gala Games Store for the latest pricing, and join our community on Discord to keep up with all the latest announcements about Eternal Paradox!

Subscribe for Eternal Paradox email news at the first link below, so you’ll hear first about upcoming drops and releases.

Eternal Paradox

Gala Games Platform

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