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RingWatch: Season 6 Conquest Recap

September 20, 2024

The war is subsiding. The Ring has come to a halt, and today BTB held the power with a clear victory over some tough competition!

This season was close… down to the wire right to the end. Unlike last season, a clear guild winner for the overall season is a difficult call. BTB probably has the most representation at the top ranks of Conquest Victory Points… but EPx and GFX members are right up there as well.

Let’s go to Alex and Torsten for the details!

Alex: Torsten!? I thought I took care of you already

Torsten: Seasons ago filthy pirate. Haven’t you figured this out yet?

Alex: Ooo, well I do believe that I may have some idea of the cyclical snafu we seem to be caught in… but I suppose life’s about small pleasures. Think fast Torsten! — BOOOOOOOM

Torsten: Na, not enough juice this time little man. Got that bomb resisting Immortal stat up since we last met.

Alex: Immortal wha? What nonsense are you talking!? You know what, never mind. We have a battle to discuss.

Opening Moments

The opening minutes of the Conquest were intense, with guilds quickly enacting their individual strategies. BTB jumped out to an early lead in the first period, with S12 and EPx just behind. GFX got a slow start, trailing BTB by nearly half just before the end of the first period.

Point totals before the end of period 1

The end of the first act didn’t lessen the tension, as each of the top three guilds gained around 800 points from the bonus, putting more distance between them and GFX, who only added around 600 to their total.

The Ring Enters Play

As The Ring of Ruin opened, it was still anybody’s game. FUN struck the first blow, taking the Ring almost immediately after it opened. OzK was quick to come snag it out of their hands, however. FUN took it back… but then EPx conquered it and settled in for the long haul.

This decision would be impactful. With 16 Ruins and four guilds competing hard, there just aren’t enough for everyone. The max Ruins that any guild can hold is five — after that you can’t start new rallies to take more Ruins. EPx holding the Ring gave them a critical advantage over their other two close contenders.

Score at the halfway mark of Conquest (:45)

BTB, EPx and S12 stayed tightly clustered, but GFX couldn’t maintain consistent control over as many Ruins through this second period and started to slip behind further.

Final Push

EPx continued to dominate the Ring, but they were unable to close the gap on BTB as the latter sat on a consistent 5 Ruins the whole first hour.

Score after second bonus (1:00)

The second bonus scoring put some more distance between BTB and their closely trailing EPX, and some extra distance between EPx and their trailing S12. GFX gained just less than BTB in the second period, but they gained enough to keep them in the battle for the final push.

The scoreboard only got closer as we approached the end… BTB’s score was high, but not high enough that it couldn’t be caught with a big enough bonus. EPx still had the Ring, and that could mean big changes at final scoring.

In the end, nothing was sure before the final bonus scoring. GFX made a massive sprint to the bonus at the end to not only catch up to S12, but overtake them by 400 points. BTB’s consistent gameplay and control over Ruins paid off, and they ended up chasing out to a dominating 1000+ point lead over EPx!

Congratulations to BTB on this amazing strategic victory… but also, congratulations to everyone who participated! There wasn’t a dull battle among the Conquests this season. We can’t wait for the exciting battles to come!

Alex: I’m not sure we’ve had one that close in a long time. You know, I heard everyone ganged up on S12 in a secret alliance.

Torsten:  I think that’s stupid. That would mean so many people had to cooperate… plus I saw them all attacking each other. Still, mutual enemies can complicate everything. Or maybe simplify it depending on your perspective.

Alex: I don’t particularly know about all that. I was just trying to spill some tea! BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Torsten: Ugggh, I forgot how annoying you are.

Alex: Well, maybe you don’t reappear next season then?

Emma: Do you think I chose to be here with you?

Alex: Point taken. On that note, outro time mysterious voice!

Thanks Alex and Torsten for the great coverage… and the emotional reunion!

The season isn’t over yet! There’s a final arena competition to wrap up in a few days. You have a little less than three days to bulk up that battle power! It’s not over until it’s over!

We’ll see you again very soon to discuss the winners of Season 6 and the dawn of Season 7!

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