Introducing Version 1 of Project Cerberus – Play Now on Mobile
Hey all! Finally!
We’re thrilled to announce that the beta of Version 1 is now available for public testing. All the team’s hard work is finally coming to your eyeballs and iPhones (and Androids).
So what have we got for you?
V1 contains the last parts of the game’s foundational systems, ready to give you a taste of the overall Project Cerberus experience. Ultimately, V1 will let you enjoy all the features listed below, but some of them are not yet turned on for this public playtest.
- Crafting!
- The ‘Store’
- Account Advancement
- Land Merging
- Account sign in (and see your VOX/Land/Skins exc)
This is all leading to our next releases, which will include self expression through building exterior/interior places, decoration and social systems like visiting each other’s homes. As we’ve mentioned before, we had to build this a bit backwards from a normal game development view, considering the crazy technical hurdles that needed solving before we could get to the ‘cool stuff’. That’s all the past, and the foundation is built!
Here is a bit about each of the features:

Hey, all that stuff your workers have been collecting? Now you can do something with it.
- It’s pretty easy.
- Click the crafting room in the upper right of the VOX main screen.
- Select a crafting station.
- Assign a worker – VOX or protovox in the upper right corner.
- Select a recipe you want to craft and click next.
- Make sure you have all the parts needed and hit Craft.
- Ta-da… you made a thing! Just like shop class!
The Store

For now, you can only ‘sell’ items.
You’ll eventually get the ability to buy crafting and other items, including exclusive decorations and other creative cosmetics.
Additionally, we’ll have a Gala Games store with exclusive items sold for $GALA, the ability to buy in game currency and more!
Account Advancement

By completing tasks you can level your account up, and open up new options and skills! Its that simple.
Land Merge

Three lands of the same type can be merged into a land of greater rarity. For example, three common plains would make an uncommon plain.
This feature is disabled for now in case we need to wipe out the databases before the real launch. Because it involves combining and upgrading NFTs, this feature will get a ton of in-house testing, so please be patient with all those rare lands you bought a few weeks ago.
Account log in
We have this disabled in the beta currently just to keep things focused. Still, very soon we’ll let you log in with your Gala account to see all your own VOX, lands and skins in-game.
Right now, just for a preview, we put in the VOX as wandering folks in the crafting area. They are all pulled from the thousands of VOX available so who knows what you might see wandering around.
Let’s talk about the crafting area for a second. This was really built out as an area to test some building ideas for 3D, to ensure scale and look was ok for when we move to the building on landscape features. Will this crafting room stay as a thing? We are not sure, but we would love to hear about any slowdown, crashes or problems with that area in particular. We already crushed some bugs in there that were making older Android phones explode. Please keep an eye out for battery use and overheating too. 3D on phones can be mean.
So here we go, rushing towards a release! We appreciate your help in testing our game and we can’t wait to share the next features with you soon!
–The VOX Populi
Please note that all features described in this blog are subject to change for any reason and without notice. Additionally, as Project Cerberus is still an in-development mobile gaming project, access is not guaranteed at any time or for any duration. Thanks for helping us test Project Cerberus!