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Revealing Your VOX

April 5, 2022

AMC’s The Walking Dead VOX Reveal starts on April 7th

Are you eager to meet your The Walking Dead VOX? So are we!

They read “Don’t open, Dead inside,” but you cannot help yourself. As the owner of 1 of the 8,888 TWD VOX Boxes in existence, you can hardly wait to crack that thing open and share your unique VOX with the world.

On Thursday, April 7th, VOX Box owners will be granted the opportunity to exchange their VOX Box, at which time their unique VOX is minted. Here’s how it works.

  1. With the Metamask wallet containing the VOX Box ERC-1155* connected at, owners will use the provided exchange interface to send their VOX to the minting contract address. At this time, owners are required to pay minting network fees (gas).
  2. The VOX Exchange contract will automatically initiate the minting of your VOX, sending it then to the same wallet that initiated the exchange.
  3. Enjoy your VOX! Don’t forget to play around with your FBX file, which you can use to animate or bring your VOX to life in all sorts of cool ways. Look for more info coming soon about the VOXverse, and the VOX Idle Discord game, coming in July.

* More on connecting to Metamask below

I Missed the Sale — but I Still Want a VOX

This is our favorite part. Like VOX, VOX Boxes are real digital assets that belong to you. That means that you’re welcome to trade them as you like on the secondary market at OpenSea. Chances are you can still get your hands on a VOX at the Official Collection page:

Don’t forget that once these boxes start being opened, you can start shopping individual TWD VOX on OpenSea.

If you don’t think you’ll have a chance to jump in on this series, don’t worry. There will be more VOX coming along before you know it.

Connecting your Gala Games wallet to Metamask

Your Gala Games wallet is an Ethereum compatible wallet, and you are the owner.

Using your Private Keys or the 12-word Secret Recovery Phrase, you can import your Gala Games wallet into Metamask, a local browser extension wallet that is used to transact on countless blockchain interfaces, like OpenSea.

When logged into an imported Metamask Gala Games wallet, you can login to OpenSea to browse official listings, buy or sell items peer-to-peer.

Follow this guide for importing your Gala Games wallet into Metamask:

New to Gala Games? Check out this great community-made video with On Chain Gaming that walks new users through the account creation and setup process.

We are psyched for the big revealing of all the walkers and characters from AMC’s The Walking Dead on Thursday. Thank you all for your support. Don’t be a stranger in the Discord secret VOX Squad (members know what we’re talking about).

If you’re not on the special VOX email list yet, be sure to subscribe at☝️ 😉

Join the Discussion in Discord